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Monday, February 23, 2009

HOM: Bachelors

Don's family came down in June. The occasion was Don & Sandy's wedding. There was a lot going on then. I was graduating --- sans honors -- and it seemed apt to make a comment to them about some folks getting Bachelor Degrees while others lost theirs. (Thanks, Sandy! You are a jewel for remembering that!) I didn't know it then, but Bob, Don's dad, was to become a lifelong friend, and his Mom one of my "Other Mothers." I guess it made sense, because Bob & Don were much alike in their dry humor, great insights & sense of fun. We went out shooting, and Bob gave me a little scare. When my S&W .41 Magnum was fired, Bob, who was "safely" off to the side, yelped, jumped & grabbed his neck. It seems that one of the holes in the cylinder was slightly misaligned and when a cartridge was fired from it a tiny spit of lead was peeled off the bullet as it entered the barrel and flew out to the side. Bob caught it. I don't remember Carla, Don's older sister, but I did pay attention to his sister Beryl! I thought she was gorgeous. Lemme stick a flashback in here, just came to mind talking to Bec on the phone. In NNC Part One, I was driving my little Falcon one Sunday on the side roads southeast of Nampa at a little faster than the posted speed. Well, okay -- a lot faster than the posted limit. Anyway, I topped a hill and there was a Highway Patrol car sitting there running radar. The second I saw him I hit the brakes, then proceeded to stop alongside him and ask for directions to the local church. He looked at me pretty funny but gave me the directions and the benefit of a doubt. When he was done, I drove SLOWLY away along the route he'd suggested. That time I suspect my Guardian Angel was pretty disgusted with me. TBC (Me) (Blacktail Books)

